# Response


New responses can be made throught the Wolff Response class. It implements the Wolff\Core\Http\ResponseInterface interface.

This can be done to avoid the superglobals of PHP, giving you a more object oriented syntax.

This response object is the one that must be passed as second parameter to the Controller's public functions, route functions, and middleware functions.


Route::get('/', function($req, $res) {

Route::code(404, function($req, $res) {


Middleware::before('/', function($req, $res) {


namespace Controller;

class Home extends Controller
    public function index($req, $res)
        // Code

After the current controller method or route function is finished, the send method of the response object is called automatically, meaning that you don't have to worry about calling it in your code.


Creating a new Response.

$response = new Wolff\Core\Http\Response();

All of the response methods can be chained, making the process easier and quicker.

$response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
         ->write('Hello world')
         ->setCookie('logged_in', 'yes')

General Methods

Write content

write($content): \Wolff\Core\Http\Response

Sets the content that will be returned by the response.

$response->write('Hello world');

That would be the equivalent to the classic and ugly: echo 'hello world';.

The string value of the given variable is the one that will be returned by the response.

Write Json content

writeJson($content): \Wolff\Core\Http\Response

Sets the content that will be returned by the response as a Json.

$response->writeJson([ 'msg' => 'Hello world' ]);

That would be the equivalent to the classic and ugly: echo json_encode([ 'msg' => 'Hello world' ]);.

Append content

append($content): \Wolff\Core\Http\Response

Appends content to the current content that will be returned by the response.

$response->append('How are you?');

The string value of the given variable is the one that will be returned.

Get content

get(): string

Returns the current content of the response.


Set HTTP code

setCode([int $status]): \Wolff\Core\Http\Response

Sets the HTTP status code.


Get HTTP Code

getCode(): int

Returns the HTTP status code.


In that example it should return 200.

Add header

setHeader(string $key, string $value): \Wolff\Core\Http\Response

Adds a new header to the response.

$response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');

Add cookie

setCookie(string $key, string $value[, $time[, string $path[, string $domain[, bool $secure[, bool $http_only]]]]]): \Wolff\Core\Http\Response

Adds a new cookie to the response.

$response->setCookie('has_recent_activity', '1');

More expresive example.

$response->setCookie('user_session', 'Zcv6ys3dgluw', 60, '/', true, true);

Remove cookie

unsetCookie(string $key): \Wolff\Core\Http\Response

Removes a cookie.


Send response

send([bool $return]): mixed

Sends the response with all of its values.


If you pass a true value as parameter, the method will return the response content instead of printing it out.

$content = $response->send(true);
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